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Ice Skating in Leh

₹ On request/

per person cost

Ice skating in Leh during the winter months is a delightful activity that brings a touch of winter wonderland to the high-altitude desert. The natural ice rinks, such as the one at Karzoo Pond, offer a smooth and expansive surface for skating, surrounded by snow-capped mountains and a crisp, clear sky. The freezing temperatures ensure a solid ice surface, perfect for gliding and twirling. Both beginners and experienced skaters can enjoy the activity, with rental skates and equipment readily available. Kashmirani Tour Package Planner enhances the experience by organizing ice skating events and providing warm, cozy gear to ensure comfort. The combination of fresh mountain air, serene winter landscape, and the joy of ice skating makes it a magical experience. This activity is ideal for families, couples, and solo travelers looking to add a touch of winter magic to their Ladakh adventure.

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